




https://qiita.com/tfukumori/items/959ed9c751734b73675f であがってた文字コード「U+4EE4」と「U+F9A8」、あと「U+32FF」はいずれもMySQLに入れても大丈夫だよね?文字化けしないよね?(U+32FFは今は保留)という検証。


  • char
  • varchar
  • text


また、全文検索が使えるかも確認したかったのでbigramのFULLTEXT INDEXを作成。




  • MySQL5.5.20
  • MySQL5.7.17


U+4EE4 令
U+F9A8 令
U+32FF ㋿
drop database if exists test;
create database test;

use test;
drop table if exists aaa_utf8mb4;

CREATE TABLE `aaa_utf8mb4` (
  `a` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `b` char(10) NOT NULL,
  `c` text     NOT NULL,
  `d` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8mb4_1` (`a`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8mb4_2` (`b`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8mb4_3` (`c`(10)),
  FULLTEXT KEY `fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4` (`d`) /*!50100 WITH PARSER `ngram` */

insert into aaa_utf8mb4(a,b,c,d) values ('令和(U+4EE4)','令和(U+4EE4)','令和(U+4EE4)','明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)');
insert into aaa_utf8mb4(a,b,c,d) values ('令和(U+F9A8)','令和(U+F9A8)','令和(U+F9A8)','明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)');
insert into aaa_utf8mb4(a,b,c,d) values ('㋿(U+32FF)','㋿(U+32FF)','㋿(U+32FF)','㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)');

select * from aaa_utf8mb4;

explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);

explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);

explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode);

drop table if exists aaa_utf8;

CREATE TABLE `aaa_utf8` (
  `a` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
  `b` char(10) NOT NULL,
  `c` text     NOT NULL,
  `d` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8_1` (`a`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8_2` (`b`),
  KEY `i_aaa_utf8_3` (`c`(10)),
  FULLTEXT KEY `fi_aaa_utf8_4` (`d`) /*!50100 WITH PARSER `ngram` */

insert into aaa_utf8(a,b,c,d) values ('令和(U+4EE4)','令和(U+4EE4)','令和(U+4EE4)','明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)');
insert into aaa_utf8(a,b,c,d) values ('令和(U+F9A8)','令和(U+F9A8)','令和(U+F9A8)','明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)');
insert into aaa_utf8(a,b,c,d) values ('㋿(U+32FF)','㋿(U+32FF)','㋿(U+32FF)','㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)');

select * from aaa_utf8;

explain select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);

explain select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c like '令和%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode);

explain select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where a like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where b like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)';
select * from aaa_utf8 where c like '㋿%';
explain select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode);
select * from aaa_utf8 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode);
  • 元のクエリからそのまま貼ると、レイがU+4EE4っぽく見えていますが、実際は文字コードは変わっているので大丈夫です。
  • U+32FFは今は豆腐だけど、令和になるはず。



# MySQL5.7で作業
$ mysql -uhoge -p -hhogehoge57 -Pxxxx --default-character-set=utf8 -t -v <reiwatest.sql  > reiwatest_utf8.log
$ mysql -uhoge -p -hhogehoge57 -Pxxxx --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -t -v <reiwatest.sql  > reiwatest_utf8mb4.log
# MySQL5.5で作業
$ mysql -uhoge -p -hhogehoge55 -PXXXX --default-character-set=utf8 -t -v <reiwatest_55.sql  > reiwatest_utf8_55.log
$ mysql -uhoge -p -hhogehoge55 -PXXXX --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -t -v <reiwatest_55.sql  > reiwatest_utf8mb4_55.log



select * from aaa_utf8mb4

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)      | ㋿(U+32FF)      | ㋿(U+32FF)      | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)                      |




explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | 40      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+4EE4)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode)

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type     | possible_keys    | key              | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | fulltext | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | 0       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where; Ft_hints: no_ranking |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode)

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  1 | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 令和(U+4EE4)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+4EE4)           |



explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | 40      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '令和(U+F9A8)'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '令和%'

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode)

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type     | possible_keys    | key              | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | fulltext | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | 0       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where; Ft_hints: no_ranking |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+令和' in boolean mode)

| id | a              | b              | c              | d                                          |
|  2 | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 令和(U+F9A8)   | 明治-大正-昭和-平成-令和(U+F9A8)           |



explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_1 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where a like '㋿%'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_2 | 40      | const |    1 |   100.00 | NULL  |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where b like '㋿%'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | ref  | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | i_aaa_utf8mb4_3 | 42      | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c = '㋿(U+32FF)'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where c like '㋿%'

| id | a           | b           | c           | d                           |
|  3 | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㋿(U+32FF)   | ㍾-㍽-㍼-㍻-㋿(U+32FF)       |
explain select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode)

| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type     | possible_keys    | key              | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | aaa_utf8mb4 | NULL       | fulltext | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | fi_aaa_utf8mb4_4 | 0       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where; Ft_hints: no_ranking |
select * from aaa_utf8mb4 where match( d ) against ('+㋿' in boolean mode)



ちなみにutf8テーブルのほうも結果は上記と全く同じだし、--default-character-setがutf8とutf8mb4で変わることはなかった。 (あったらまずいんだけどね)


collationのこと忘れてた。 MySQL5.5系はデフォがutf8_general_ci、MySQL5.7系はutf8mb4_general_ciなのでそれらで作られたと思ってください。